It’s a horrible day out today, so here’s some tips to help you teach your dog indoors.
What to do when it’s raining
Do you have a routine which helps your dog?
Routines help everyone
It’s raining again
I’m sure all of us who have to walk our dogs are getting fed up with the rain.
Don’t let the past hold you back
Past dogs shouldn’t hold this one back
Slippery surfaces
Does your dog have trouble with slippery floors ?
Has your dog been affected
Have your dogs been affected ?
Over Friendly dogs
What is an over friendly dog?
Recall workshop notes.
Help I want my dog to come back when called
Do you prepare your dog for a vet visit?
Prepare your dog for the vets
Settling in - those first six months
It really does take at least 6 months for your new rescue to fully settle!