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Have you a Social Dog?

As we come out of Lock down, it is becoming apparent that the dogs that were rehomed during this time and enjoyed your full attention and company are starting to struggle when faced with the outside world. It is the same for the new puppies that have been welcomed into our homes.

Sadly because of the restrictions, puppies have not had the same opportunities to meet and greet other people, be exposed to the noises of a normal life and now as things move back towards a new normal, its all becoming a little overwhelming for them.

It is the same for the rescue dog, although I do recognise that some actually do better by being kept quiet as they get used to their new surroundings, now they need to get out and meet and this needs to be done carefully.

Over the past month, I have been privileged to work with some lovely owners who are doing their best to help their dogs through this period of their lives. Working together, we have met a secure field and been able to carefully to introduce Skye, my working dog, to them. Using this controlled interaction, body language has been understood and plans made so that as these dogs go out into the world, they and their owners are better equipped to deal with things.

It is especially important that owners have a plan and do not leave things to just muddle along. This is when your dog who is struggling, finds ways to cope.

Is your dog a little bit too barky in the garden now? Less tolerant of your neighbours who have spent time in the garden

Pulls on the lead to get to other dogs and if you do let them off, they are not too keen to come back when called?

Perhaps a little too noisy when the front door goes with another delivery (I have turned off my doorbell – so you are not the only one!)

Less tolerant of the children? Spends a lot of time in bed, away from everyone.

There are a couple of things you can continue to do to help:

Teach them how to relax and settle. I find scentwork is a great way to help dogs to do this. Here is my link to teaching your dog to do some at home and this not only supports your dog by getting them to use their nose, it helps with team work and is a great controlled exercise to help children learn about their pet. Here is my link to the page explaining how to do this but as always feel free to contact me to ask any questions. Beginners scentwork-lessons

Why not take a look at my puppy and rescue dog social meetings. At these meeting, selected dogs and their owners meet at a secure venue and the dogs learn how to socially interact – while we socially distance! With the new guidelines, up to 5 families and their young dogs can meet with myself and Skye, my adult teaching dog to learn all about dog body language, what to look out for when dogs meet and play and when to intervene. It is so important that dogs do not get overwhelmed, bullied, or become bullies when they play. Unfortunately, a number of the dogs I have seen recently, visited dog parks as puppies and have now become very frustrated as they cannot go off and do what they want, now they have become young adolescents. Their owners thought they were doing the right thing by allowing their puppy to play with others, but now are fighting to build a relationship with their dog. All their dog wants to do is be “Over there”. No recall! No lead manners! No interest in them at all! As you can imagine this is causing problems and to prevent this happening to your puppy, I invite you to join the puppy social program today.

Have you a social-dog is a three week program designed to support owners and work on a plan to give you the methods to help. Further help can then be gained from the Lifestyle classes held on Sunday mornings at the Queen Elizabeth Country Park.

If you prefer to work on a 121 basis because you are not sure how your dog will cope? Then I still have two or three spaces to work with you at secure venues during June and July. Whether you book a one-off meeting or the three week course is up to you, but full support and back-up is available so you can ask any questions as your dog’s behaviour improves.

Why not get in touch today and ask about how I can help you and your family support your new dog as it gets used to all the new experiences. Contact me today to find out more. Here is the link again: Contact us


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