Looking for some fun with your pup when you stuck indoors?
Try some Problem solving games but as always make sure your dog can cope with each task.
Take it slowly and then see if the time improves over a week.
No 1: You need a large bath towel or small blanket or some other heavy cloth of similar size. First make sure you dog is awake and reasonable active. Let your dog sniff the towel and then with a swift smooth motion, throw the towel over your dog and watch silently. Time how long it takes your dog to free itself.
15 seconds or less – score 5
15 – 30 secs – 4
30 – 60 secs – 3
1 – 2 mins – 2
After 2 mins score 1
No 2: Pick a time when your dog is sitting around 8 feet away but has not been explicitly been told to sit and stay. Then stare intently at his face. When you dog looks at you, count silently to 3 and then smile broadly. How longs does it take him to join you?
15 seconds or less – score 5
15 – 30 secs – 4
30 – 60 secs – 3
1 – 2 mins – 2
After 2 mins score 1
No3: You need a tea towel or hand towel. Show your dog the treat. Let him sniff it for about 5 secs and then with great exaggeration place on the floor and while dog watches throw the towel over it. How long does it take for them to investigate?
15 seconds or less – score 5
15 – 30 secs – 4
30 – 60 secs – 3
1 – 2 mins – 2
After 2 mins score 1
Enjoy the fun today, record your dog’s score and have another go in a few days time – See what they remember.