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We’ve got news

Important information for clients needing help with their dogs.

We all know we are in unprecedented times with the worry of Covid-19 affecting us all.

Both myself and Stuart have been aware that despite all these scary stories, our dogs still need help.

We are here for you. If you need help contact us and I will do whatever I can to support you.

Our outdoor walks and group sessions are specially designed to keep distance between everyone so that our dogs can relax and so these will continue for as long as we can. I know I don’t need to say you shouldn’t come if you are unwell but speak to me online and I will update you.

If you need specific help for anything, please call me and I can walk you through ways to help. New clients can sign up for our online support and we can help you that way.

Remember if you have to self isolate you can use this time to learn something new with your dog: scentwork, agility etc or why not sign up for our training and behaviour course which will be on line soon and can be paid for by module basis.

The most important thing to remember is that this will not last forever and our dogs need us to be strong and reliable. Consistency is key. For their sakes, we can carry on and live each day in the moment. Maybe stop checking the news every hour and just do it once or twice a day. We need to look after ourselves - so break out a jigsaw or read that book you wanted to read whilst designing new games to play with your dog.

Take care of each other and get in touch today to find out more about our online courses or to join me on our next walk, group sessions or adventure. Thanks again for your support.


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